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    Press Releases



    Dr. Gao Yonggang, the acting chairman of the Board, has been appointed by the Board as the chairman of the Board, with effect from 17 March 2022.

    The brief biography of Dr. Gao is as follows:

    Dr. Gao Yonggang, aged 57, was appointed as the Acting Chairman on 3 September 2021. He was a non-executive director of the Company (the “Director”) since 2009 and re-designated as an executive Director on 17 June 2013. He serves as the chief financial officer of the Company since 17 February 2014. Dr. Gao also serves as a director or chairman of several subsidiaries and affiliated companies of the Company.

    Dr. Gao has more than 30 years of experience in the area of corporate management, served as chief person in charge of finance or corporate in various enterprises or organizations, has relatively rich experience and has conducted relatively in-depth research in the fields of financial management, investment and financing, and corporate management. Dr. Gao was the chief accountant of China Academy of Telecommunications Technology, and the chairman of Datang Telecom Group Finance Co., Ltd., etc. Dr. Gao is currently a director of JCET Group Co., Ltd. (a company listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange: 600584), and an independent director of iRay Technology Company Limited (a company listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange Science and Technology Innovation Board: 688301).

    Dr. Gao graduated from Nankai University with a Ph.D. in management. Dr. Gao is a standing committee member of the Accounting Society of China, a member of the Stock Listing Committee of Shanghai Stock Exchange Science and Technology Innovation Board, a founding director of the Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association and a vice president of the China Federation of Electronics and Information Industry.

    Dr. Zhou Zixue (“Dr. Zhou”), has resigned as an executive Director with effect from 17 March 2022 due to health reasons. The Board hereby expresses its sincere gratitude to Dr. Zhou for his outstanding contributions to the Company during his tenure.

    Following Dr. Zhou’s resignation as an executive Director, he ceased to act as one of the authorised representatives of the Company. The Board announces that Dr. Zhao Haijun, an executive Director, has been appointed as one of the authorised representatives of the Company.