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    SMIC celebrates inaugural wafer production

    24 Sep 2001

    Shanghai,China  [2001-09-24]

    On September 25th, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation is holding a celebration ceremony for its official production of inaugural wafers. These inaugural wafers represent immeasurable effort and dedication from Chinese people all over the world. This celebration marks a momentous feat for China's semiconductor industry development as SMIC commences production of its first eight-inch wafers at 0.25-micron and below technology.

    From last August's construction ground breaking to today's pilot production, SMIC has met or exceeded all expectations and removed all doubts. Within these thirteen months, SMIC has achieved world- class construction progress and displayed China's most advanced technologies and capabilities. With CEO/President Dr. Richard Chang's vision and emphasis on quality and safety, combined with efforts from the finest technology and management teams in the industry, SMIC has promptly commenced pilot productions and fulfilled a new dream for China's semiconductor industry.

    Though semiconductor IC (integrated circuit) chips may be unfamiliar for most people in China, little do they realize that it is actually integral in everyday life. China has already surpasses the United States as the world's largest mobile phone market this year. In addition to telecommunication products and equipment, personal computers and consumer goods such as DVD and VCD players are all exploding markets and all require multiple semiconductor IC (integrated circuit) chips.

    China's own domestic semiconductor supply can only provide less than 15% of China's market demand. The majority of these domestic semiconductor IC chip productions are represented by fabs with low-end technologies (6-inch wafers and smaller, 0.5-micron technology). SMIC will kick off its Fab 1 with an 8-inch wafer processing capabilities utilizing 0.25-micron (and below) technology. SMIC looks forward to spearheading the development of China's advanced semiconductor sector and related mid- and down-stream industries with a vision to reduce China's current dependence on imported semiconductor IC (integrated circuit) chips. SMIC eagerly anticipates and welcomes new developments in both Chinese and overseas IC design houses, IDM companies and systems companies to join SMIC's efforts here in China.

    As China's first advanced open IC foundry, SMIC is exceedingly grateful for the excellent support from the Chinese Central Government and the Shanghai Government. China recognizes its potential in the world semiconductor market and has already prepared excellent industry infrastructure and investment environment to accommodate the extraordinary growth and development in this sector.

    SMIC has gathered top engineers and management personnel from both within China and around the world in a joint effort to serve China's semiconductor industry. The birth of SMIC's inaugural wafer symbolizes SMIC's dedication and commitment to the customers and shareholders-SMIC is fully committed and dedicated to serve our customers with our best effort.