

SMIC cleanroom cleaning day- we do it together

27 Aug 2001

Shanghai,China  [2001-08-27]

August 27th was a special day for Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation, it was the Cleanroom Cleaning day. SMIC President/CEO Richard Chang, VPs, Directors, and all managers mobilized and gathered at SMIC's Fab 1 main cleanroom for a day of meticulous cleaning, putting SMIC's company culture of hands-on work and equality into practice.

SMIC has successfully moved in equipment for Fab 1 on August 15th and pilot productions will ensue in late September. All construction and production preparation progress are on schedule and aimed for mass production of high quality, high-yield processed wafers.

Particle levels in the cleanrooms are directly tied to wafer processing quality and yield rate. When entering cleanrooms, all workers must wear proper clean suits, shoes, and gloves. Every particle brought into the cleanroom will directly affect the quality of the products.

President Richard Chang spoke before the cleaning activities began and emphasized everyone's responsibility in maintaining the cleanliness of the cleanrooms, not just the production operators. For this reason, all non-production departments such as Operations, General Affairs, Finance, etc, will adopt parts of cleanrooms as their responsible area and take turns maintaining their adopted areas.

Following Dr. Chang's remarks, all of the managers proceeded to squat down to the cleanroom floor and began brushing and wiping the floor. This exercise illustrated SMIC's corporate values and culture. Not only key executives and managers led their employees to clean the floors, they were the first ones to get on their knees to exemplify their commitment to the company and equality with fellow employees.