



Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (the “Company” or “SMIC”) noted that a document suspected to have been issued by the Bureau of Industry and Security of the United States Department of Commerce was sent to the Company by media asking for confirmation or forwarded online on Saturday, 26 September 2020. According to the document, some products exported to SMIC, its subsidiaries and joint ventures will be subject to export control.

As of the date of this announcement, the Company has not received such official information. SMIC reiterates that it manufactures semiconductors and provides services solely for civilian and commercial end-users and end-uses. The Company has no relationship with the Chinese military and does not manufacture for any military end-users or end-uses.

The Company will continue to pay close attention to this matter and issue further announcement as and when appropriate.

Shareholders and prospective investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the securities of the Company.

By order of the Board
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation

Shanghai, PRC

27 September 20 20