歡迎參加金年会的網上會議: - 邱慈雲,首席執行官兼執行董事
- 曾宗琳,財務長
- 馮恩霖,投資人關係資深總監
電話直撥: 如閣下沒有安裝互聯網,可直撥電話參與會議: 美國 1-866-519-4004 (密碼:SMIC) 香港 8-0093-0346 (密碼:SMIC) 中國 80-0819-0121 (密碼:SMIC) 網上重播: 重播大約將於直播 1小時後在 You are receiving this transmission from PR Newswire on behalf of the issuer of the information contained in this email. If you would like to stop receiving information of this nature via email for this issuer, click here, for auto-removal. |